Rocking up to the gym to do the same fitness routine day in, day out can lead to boredom and, ultimately, not reaching your goals. Here are 5 interesting ways to re-invigorate your fitness routine, and reach those fitness & weight loss goals faster!
1. Bring a Training Partner
Training by yourself is how most people go to the gym. Even if you end up in a gym class with others, you are still really just going by yourself. This does have its advantages, as it allows you to set your own goals and conduct your own workout routine.
However, every now and then it is a good idea to bring along a buddy to the gym (or on a jog!) and train with them. It offers great motivation to meet or exceed your goals for that session, and the company can provide a much-need 'circuit breaker' from the usual routine of working out by yourself. When someone else is watching, you tend to work harder. So go on... call up a friend and invite them to train with you next time around!
2. Mix Up Your Routine!
Many of us on the path to fitness and weight loss will diligently head to the gym 3-5 times per week, and we normally have a set routine for each day. Monday might be free weights and then the bike, Wednesday is a Pump Class followed by stretches (you get the idea!). Eventually, this can become rather tedious and predictable.
Experts now agree that the fastest way to achieve your weight loss goals is to vary your routine as much as possible. This brings into play the concept of 'muscle confusion', where the body is kept in a constant state of variance and is unable to establish any time of set pattern. Evidence suggests that this burns additional energy and leads to better muscle tone. So mix it up a little - and enjoy the benefits!
3. Try Something New
Let's face it... we all have our likes & don't likes when it comes to the gym and working out. Some people love to run, others prefer classes, and still others are addicted to the weight machines. However, in order to achieve the fastest possible weight loss factors, it is important to utilize as many of the components on offer at your local gym as you possibly can.
You should set aside one day per week where you at least try something new. If you have always looked at that rowing machine but never actually sat down in it, then take a deep breath and give it a go! Guys especially are terrible at not going to the awesome group fitness sessions put on by many gyms, perhaps considering them not very 'manly'! However, these classes are great at working all the major muscle groups and extending your fitness levels. Give it a try, you have nothing to lose but those extra pounds!
4. Get A Personal Trainer
Most gyms these days offer the services of profession fitness instructors, or Personal Trainers. These people have been certified to provide advice on the best ways to reach your fitness goals. I cannot emphasize how important these helpful folks are to achieving your fitness and weight loss goals! Sure, they may cost you some money but the payoff far outweighs the small investment that you make. You don't need to make them a long-term commitment but having a few sessions early on in your path to weight loss can give you ideas and training methods that you might have never thought of just working out on your own!
5. Take A Week Off..
Just like any other pursuit, eventually constant working out week after week will take its toll, both physically and psychologically. The absolute worst thing that can happen to you in your path to weight loss and elevated fitness is that you become 'stale'. Suddenly the gym becomes not so appealing, getting your gear together in the morning becomes too much effort. Before you know it, you have totally gone off the gym and you are back piling on those pounds again... and puffing up those stairs!
Experts and fitness professionals all agree that taking a week off every 6-8 weeks is not only good for your overall motivation, but also great for your body. These 'recovery weeks' allow the body to consolidate gains, and gets the muscles out of any set pattern or 'plateau' that may have been established. Remember - don't break your diet on your week off! And, when you come back all rested & refreshed... just take it easy for the first couple of days... and don't forget to mix it up a little!
Achieving genuine weight loss is a journey, and will require time, patience and above all... effort! Any sort of 'quick fix' in the weight management game is dubious and generally not permanent. I encourage all readers to visit My Weight Loss HQ for access to advice, products and supplements to help you achieve your weight loss goals sooner! Keep at it... and NEVER GIVE UP!
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