In today's society it is very easy to get bogged down in everyday life. Work, home commitments and other tasks can begin to take over. Having down time for you mind is very important to achieve good health (remember, health is physical and mental). There are lots of ways to relax your mind, yoga, going for a walk, taking part in a sport etc. For me, the preferred method of relaxation is exercise. These are some reasons why exercise can be such a good way to relax your mind.
- You can switch your mind off to the outside world. When you enter the gym or start your workout, try to forget about everything else going on in your life. You are there to focus and do one thing - train. Making your mind focus on one activity like this can help you relax and forget stressful things that are bothering you. The time away gives you a chance to recover.
- A break from working an bring new light to a problem. If you spend all day thinking about a problem or task that needs doing, but your not sure how to solve it, chances are you have been going round in circles in your head for a while. Getting a good bit of exercise done allows your mind to reset itself and start fresh. When you return to look at the problem, new ideas will come to you that had otherwise been ignored
- Emotional relief. Everyone has days when they are irritated by things around them, sometimes for a good reason, others simply because you woke up on the wrong side of bed. Use your emotion to fuel your training. Anger and frustration can be bought out by lifting weight, spurring you to greater intensity. The relief you feel once the emotion has been taken out on the weight or exercise can feel incredibly liberating. Remember, you can hurt the weights, so throw them around and give them everything you have.
- Removal from the rush. Life is so rushed these days. You need to hit this deadline and that deadline, or make it to that appointment or you'll get in trouble. Exercise is done in your time, to your plan. You are the boss of your training session and the only person to answer to is you. Having the time out where no one else is watching your every step or measuring your performance allows you to perform at your best. If you truly want to do something, you should be doing it to the best of your ability without others having to constantly push you. Hopefully, exercise and fitness is something you want to do, so the time while you're doing it should allow you to relax, while still working hard.
- Brain off, body on. After you have been training for a little while, the process of performing exercises becomes second nature. You don't have to consciously think about how your technique is, because you have been doing it long enough for the muscle to know what its doing without much conscious instruction. You can choose to focus on other things, like the contraction of muscles or the rhythm of your breathing. Listening to your body operating and understanding the responses to certain actions is almost a form of meditation.
Hopefully each of these points has helped put your training sessions in a different light. Its not just about making your body stronger and fitter, it also about keeping your mind healthy.
Thanks for reading. If you have any questions or comments please leave a reply below.
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