In a previous article, I suggested incorporating ball games into your workout regimen as an alternative to monotonous and dull exercises like cycling and weight lifting. One such game is tennis. Tennis is great exercise because it fulfills all the requirements of a full body workout while masquerading as a game almost anyone can play.
The trainers that I know have a method in mind when they work with someone who wants to lose weight and/or get in better shape. They combine aerobic exercise, which is a low-intensity, long duration workout designed to strengthen the cardio-vascular system, and anaerobic exercise, which is a high intensity, short duration workout designed to increase muscle mass and, as a result, produce more strength, speed and power. They use a wide variety of both kinds of exercise in order to work every part of the human body. There are three reasons for this:
- The more muscle groups you use, the more muscle mass is increased which means more calories are burned.
- Since all parts of the body are being strengthened, injuries are less likely because no one area is being overtaxed at the expense of another.
- In addition to burning calories, aerobic exercise keeps the heart rate up and increases oxygen intake which makes the heart and lungs stronger and, ultimately, run more efficiently.
You can benefit from both aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise with tennis rackets!
Tennis involves many different movements that make the same full body muscle demands as a trainer's workout. Let's consider the demands put on the body from returning a ball. The player's swing calls upon the foot and leg muscles for support and stability. The twisting torso flexes to produce much of the power behind the stroke. The upper body, particularly the hand, forearm and shoulder, supplies the swing speed and the grip strength needed to hit the ball correctly.
Before a player can employ his stroke, he or she must first get to the place that is within swinging distance of the ball. While walking has long been considered a worthwhile aerobic exercise, it is quick starts and stops and short sprints, often associated with chasing down a tennis ball, that are recognized by trainers as a superior way to improve cardiovascular health and burn calories. Even treadmill workouts are more beneficial when the pace is frequently changed. This is called interval training.
Tennis also involves jumping, running backwards, lunging, stretching, bending and turning the body in endless directions to address incoming balls. These movements tax many different parts of the body.
There are aerobic benefits associated with playing tennis, as well. Have you ever watched players after a long rally? They are breathing a bit harder because they were kept going by a long point. This type of activity increases lung capacity and heart strength which makes the cardivascular system operate more efficiently. Even without long rallies, playing tennis at a moderate, consistent pace combines muscle stress and aerobics into a productive full body workout. Interval workouts done on a treadmill or bike do not work the whole body like a game of tennis can.
Tennis requires little investment but the health benefits are many. Start out slowly if you are new to the game or are revisiting it after a lengthy hiatus. (For me, the latter applies after just one northeast winter!) Tennis elbow, a soreness on the outside of the arm just above the elbow, is a common complaint of those who try to do too much too fast. Many other parts of your body may "revolt," too, but that just proves how much of your body you are strengthening!
So get out there and knock some balls around. Play hard and you will soon see... you really can reap the rewards of aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise with tennis rackets and the game of tennis.
Hi. My name is Mike and I have been playing competitive tennis since high school back in the '70s. With the exception of basketball, I can't think of another sport that requires the body to do so many things without regular or long breaks. The darting to various locations on the court, drastic changing of direction, twisting, jumping, swinging of the racket and lunging strengthen the player's cardiovascular and skeletal systems, build muscle strength and enhance flexibility. Tennis is one of those round ball sports that give you a good workout while being fun at the same time. Try playing one of them the next time you get bored with lifting weights. I can show you how to get started @
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