How Many Daily Shakes Do People Take In On Medifast?

I sometimes hear from people who believe that the Medifast diet consist primarily of shakes. Therefore, the next question is usually how many of these shakes you consume on any given day. I heard from someone who said: "I'm interested in the Medifast diet, but I'm not sure if I can survive on only liquids. How many shakes would I be drinking per day? Am I supposed to replace all of my meals with a shake?" I will address these questions in the following article.
There Are No Set Amounts Of Daily Shakes. Because There Are Other Foods To Chose From: This person's assumptions were very common. So many people assume that Medifast is a diet of only shakes, bars, or both. This just isn't true. There are well over seventy foods to choose from. But just a couple of examples are things like eggs, pancakes, oatmeal, sloppy joes, chili, stew, ice cream, brownies, etc. You are asked to eat five of the diet's meals per day along with one lean and green meal that you prepare. Now, you can chose any combinations of foods from these five prepackaged diet meals. Some people chose to fill these meals with some shakes. And others don't. Some try to use a wide variety of different foods in order to have some variety. (I like the banana shake as much as the next person, and I have it regularly. But I also like to have the variety of other foods.)
Sometimes, people assume that you are limited to the number of shakes that you can have because there are limitations on some of the bars. They suggest only having one maintenance bar per day since this item is higher and calories and carbs. (There isn't any limitation on the regular crunch bars, just the maintenance ones.) And, there isn't any similar limitations on the shakes. You could theoretically have five of them each day if you wanted, but I am not sure why you would want to do this because it would probably get boring after a while. Some people tell me that they like the shakes because they are convenient and because they perceive that they are lower in calories than the other meals and therefore will mean that they will lose more weight more quickly.
While I agree that the shakes are convenient, so are all of the other foods. Many of the other foods do not require any more preparation than the shakes. And, the shakes are similar in calories and carbohydrates to all of the rest of the meals. This diet is very good about making the foods interchangeable so that anything that you chose to eat is going to be similar in terms of calories. In other words, the chili and a shake is going to have about the same number of calories so you are not really saving anything but having a shake.
Want to see a Medifast food list? Lindsey's free Medifast ebook  features a list of all of the Medifast foods, recipes, tips, and coupons.  You can start reading immediately for free at

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Author : Massin

Just a simple men trying to make his place in the IM world. i'm a athlete, and i love FITNESS... i made this blog to share with you what's working for me.


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