Eliminate Back Pain When You Walk and Run With a Better Arm Swing for a Healthy Stride

Picture yourself as you walk or run. There are lots of things you can pay attention to that can help improve your pace, stride, form and function. Today, let's think about what your arms and ribcage do as you're moving? Is your torso rigid and stiff or do you rotate your torso around your spine as you swing your arms?
A good arm swing helps free the arms and shoulders while strengthening your core and can reduce stress and tension through your entire spine.
If your back hurts after a long walk or run, or you notice more tension in your neck and shoulders before, during or after getting your miles in, there's a good chance you're missing out on the important "spiral effect" of the spine while you're swinging your arms.
If you are a "rigid torso runner" you will tend to have a "head-on" body position as you're moving forward. Your arms swing but your torso is held square to the front. Chances are this body posture has your shoulder blades pinched together and your upper back may actually be in extension instead of maintaining the natural thoracic curve of the upper spine.
Because of the "rigid torso runners" straight-on torso position, there is more tension in the back and more compression on the spine with the impact of every step. Plus, as a "rigid torso runner" you are missing out on the important benefits of good shoulder mechanics for the arm swing, because your ribcage and upper back are not in a position in which your shoulders CAN move correctly. The shoulders, searching for a rounded surface to glide on to improve the arm swing can only go up, which compounds the tension in the neck and increases stress on the arms and shoulders.
With this type of square-on, rigid torso stride you are not tapped into the "Spiral Effect," so in addition to the things mentioned above, there is also more side to side action with your upper body. Moving sideways when you want to go forward is only going to slow you down.
The mechanics of movement is not the same for the arms as it is for the legs during your stride because of the structure of the pelvis (hips and ball & socket of the legs) is different than the structure of the shoulder girdle. But the hips and shoulders relate to each other. So, if things aren't quite right at the top with the spine, shoulders and arm swing, there's a good chance that the bottom (pelvis, hips and legs) will not work efficiently either.
Walking is the #1 best activity to improve whole-body health, and walking utilizes your muscles and joints most efficiently and effectively. But, getting these all important health benefits from your fitness walking hinges on having good body alignment, posture and the right functional movement habits to be using your body as correctly as possible.
Running is great to, as long as higher impact activities are safe for your body. Of course there are some technique differences between walking and running, so there are some adjustments to be made, but for the upper body in particular, the "Spiral Effect" still needs to happen. It just has to happen more quickly, and might be in a slightly smaller range of motion.
If you are a "rotating torso runner" (or walker) you are allowing your spine to rotate while one arm swings forward and the other swings back. Not only does this free up your back, neck and shoulders, but you get the added bonus of a great oblique abdominal workout with every single step you take!
Even though the hips, legs and feet are the primary movers to propel us forward, the spiral action of the torso along with a well-executed arm swing can actually help you pick up the pace. By allowing the spine to spiral freely while the arms swing the whole upper body and ribcage rotates while one arm moves forward and the other moves back. This spiral effect actually keeps your body moving forward with your legs. All of you will be heading in the right direction, a little more aerodynamically!
Next time you go on a walk or run, think about practicing this to become a "rotating torso" runner or walker, and incorporate the "Spiral Effect" into your walking or running technique. Don't be surprised if it feels somewhat odd, or you find that you do not have the endurance to keep it up for long distances. There are a lot of muscles through your core that will be called into play that you might not have been using with your "head-on," stiff-backed stride.
There is a LOT to think about and pay attention to, to improve your walking and running technique for good gait mechanics and a healthy stride. Even if running is your primary sport for fitness, focusing on fine-tuning your movement habits to stay well when you walk is important to keep your body healthy and pain-free. Pay attention to the "Spiral Effect" of your torso to help improve core support for healthy habits to walk and run!
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Author : Massin

Just a simple men trying to make his place in the IM world. i'm a athlete, and i love FITNESS... i made this blog to share with you what's working for me.


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