Are You New To Fitness But Don't Know Where To Start?

 I know from this industry that if you are in this boat or faced with this dilemma right now, it is extremely confusing with all of the "Get fit fast", "Lose fat fast!" and "Ultimate results!" fitness programs on the market today.

I have seen some fitness programs advertised that have literally made my jaw drop with the outrageous claims and "Clever Marketing" strategies. Many of these fitness programs are advertised to make people (especially people who are just starting fitness or weight loss that have no knowledge of what it really takes to get results) think that they will get great results in a short time from a certain way of training.
I do agree that some methods are better than others when it comes to getting results but you need to know and understand the basics. The bottom line is that to get good results with any fitness programme, you need to be consistent with your training programme and diet.
A few years ago, I used to train in a mainstream gym. I did not socialize with anybody, I just attached myself to the tunes from my iPod and trained.
Between sets I observed other members at the gym and how they trained. I would always have respect for the very overweight members that were here as well working on their weight loss goals. I admire these guys because I know how hard it is to actually commit to going to the gym. I will just say that if you are overweight and are putting off joining a gym because you are afraid of what other members at this gym will think of you, it's not what you think. They will most likely encourage you.
As I rested between a set of squats one day, I noticed a guy training with assisted body-weight exercises in the form of a circuit. This guy was very overweight (Let's call him Jo). A good way to train in my opinion. As he was obviously not used to exercise, Jo would only train for about 10 minutes and be exhausted and stop training.
I started to see Jo in the gym nearly every time I was training. He did the same thing every time I saw him.
Almost a year later, Jo was still training, but he was training now for 45 minutes to 1 hr. and he was using full body-weight exercises but still in the form of a circuit. For some reason Jo still wore the same gym clothes that he started in and they were hanging off him. He looked like he was wearing his dads clothes. Jo had progressed and he had achieved some truly amazing results.
This is a true story and the point of it is that Jo Had got it right! All he needed to get these results was the basics which were a bit of knowledge of exercise choices and diet, consistency over time and progression.
He did not need to spend hundreds of £ or $ on fad training, he just did the basics over time and reaped what he had sown.
I am very aware that people will start out with a fat loss or fitness venture with high hopes after buying the latest "Number ONE" training programme, but fail to get results in the first week as the claims in the advert suggested. This is a massive shame, because the initial thought has been lost and hopes have been burnt out.
Don't look for the "Ultimate fat loss Package" because to be honest it all boils down to this:
Basic knowledge of exercise choices and diet, consistency over time and progression.
The more you train and look into your diet and lifestyle choices, the more knowledgeable you will become, you will find what works and doesn't work for you but the most important thing when starting out is to establish a routine. It doesn't matter what kind of training you may be doing, as long as you get into that all important routine. It may be that all you do is a brisk walk every day for fifteen minutes, this is still better than nothing and you will be getting used to doing your exercise. A few years down the line you may be running a 15 mile circuit!
I hope that this has been useful and hope that it can help someone. There are few things that make me emotional, but to see someone go from a lifetime of obesity to toned and fit gets me and fills me with admiration for that person. I know how hard it can be to start with fitness and to choose a programme, so I have designed a 6 week progression course, putting myself in the position of my target audience. If I was to start all over again from scratch knowing what I know now, I would do it this way!
Thank you very much for reading!
I wish you the best of luck with your training and I would love to hear of your results

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Author : Massin

Just a simple men trying to make his place in the IM world. i'm a athlete, and i love FITNESS... i made this blog to share with you what's working for me.


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