Your Freezer Can Help You Eat Healthier

When it comes to fitness, 80% of your success will come from what you eat and when it comes to your nutritional lifestyle, you want to work smarter, not harder.
Use the tools that you have at your disposal so that you can make eating healthy quick and convenient.
Believe it or not, one of the best tools that you have for losing weight is your freezer. Most people use it to store ice cream and TV dinners but let's take a look at ways we can REDEFINE it's use for our benefit.
  1. Store your leftovers - One of the best ways to make sure that you stay on the fitness track is to cook healthy options in bulk. By doing this, you can make sure that you always have something ready for when you are hungry. Instead of hitting the Taco Bell on your way home, you will know that you have a delicious and healthy dinner waiting for you at home. Try cooking a spinach lasagna, vegetable casserole, or a hearty chicken soup.

  2. Stock up on frozen vegetables and fruit - Frozen vegetables and fruit can be healthier than fresh ones from your local grocery store. Have you noticed how fast your produce goes bad after you buy them? Well, that's because it takes time to get them delivered. "Fresh" produce are picked before they are ripe so they never have the full amount of time to develop nutrients that they would normally contain. Also, en route, they are exposed to a lot of heat and light that degrade these nutrients. Frozen vegetables on the other hand, are picked when they are ripe and are preserved with the freezing process. Don't feel guilty for buying frozen produce!

  3. Buy things that take minutes to prepare. I admit it... I love my blender and I'm not ashamed. One of my favorite things to eat every day is a smoothie/shake. Purchase produce that you can grab from your freezer, put into your blender in the morning, and then have a quick and healthy breakfast. I mix mine with Shakeology for an even healthier meal.

  4. Store your sides. People may not know this, but you can freeze cooked wheat pasta, brown rice, or sweet potatoes. If you decide to cook an entrée for the night, having frozen sides on hand can make your life so much easier.
So there you have it. I bet you didn't know your freezer was such a good friend. By working smarter and not harder, you can stay on the fitness track and get the dream body you have been hoping for.
By John Balauat
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Author : Massin

Just a simple men trying to make his place in the IM world. i'm a athlete, and i love FITNESS... i made this blog to share with you what's working for me.


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