Types of Cleansing

Cleansing can be a great way to reset your body and clear out the "junk" that tends to accumulate. Medical experts debate just how effective and necessary cleansing is, but most people with cleansing report positive results. Sometimes results are dramatic and include a person's appearance, digestion, weight, and ability to function.
There are several types of cleansing. Your goals should determine the type of cleanse you choose. Cleansing should be temporary and you should consult your doctor prior to any type of extreme dietary change. If you think cleansing might improve your health or be an effective way to transition into a new phase of life, consider one of the following:
Complete Cleansing
This is the most extreme form of cleansing. A person doing a complete cleanse drinks only water and eats nothing during the cleanse. This can be a dangerous practice if done for a long period of time, but most people can handle a day or two with this cleanse, as long as they are otherwise healthy. A complete cleanse gives your digestive system time to rest. It slows your metabolism, so any weight loss you experiment will likely be temporary.
Juice Cleansing
This has become a very popular form of cleansing because it allows your body to get the calories it needs without consuming solid food. It can help with weight loss and many juice cleansers report a variety of other positive results. There are stories about juice cleansing balancing blood sugar, battling obesity, and easing cardiovascular issues. If you are concerned about consuming enough fat and protein during a longer juice cleanse, consider adding protein powders and using coconut in fruit smoothies in addition to regular juice.
Light Cleansing
This type of cleansing is often billed as the healthiest across the board. Light cleansing allows you to eat, but it restricts calories and certain types of foods. For instance, someone doing a light cleanse might avoid processed foods, red meat, and dairy. Many believe this type of cleanse is ideal for long-term eating and do not officially consider it a cleanse. However, if your eating habits are not up to par health-wise, this is a great cleanse to kickoff a healthier eating plan.
Specific Cleanses
There is a variety of cleansing plans available to help you reach specific goals. Remember, some of these are not healthy and should not be used on a long-term basis. The Master Cleanse, which required cleansers to consume only lemon water and cayenne pepper for long periods of time rose to popularity several years ago. Some reported positive results, but others struggled to function with so little nutrition.
Cleansing to lose weight often backfires because of the effect not eating has on your metabolism, but the practice provides a number of other positive health benefits. Using it as your primary weight loss tool is likely going to hurt your cause. Instead, try a cleanse one to four times a year to reboot your system. If you are uncomfortable with a complete cleanse, a juice cleanse is a great option. Cleansing can remind you to eat consciously and treat your body with greater respect.
Read more articles written by Lanna Potter on weight loss, health and fitness, vegetarian lifestyle on http://www.lannapotter.com. Subscribe to her recipes and get a chance to win monthly giveaways.

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Author : Massin

Just a simple men trying to make his place in the IM world. i'm a athlete, and i love FITNESS... i made this blog to share with you what's working for me.


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