The Top 4 Vitamins and Minerals For Strong Bones

Most of us don't pay much attention to our bones unless we break them. Yet Osteoporosis, according to the World Health Organisation, comes second only to heart disease as a leading health issue. It results in excessively brittle, low density bones which fracture easily. It is known as the silent disease because there are no detectable symptoms until the bones break. This is why it is so important to keep the bones nourished.
Bone is often thought of as being dead and inert. This could not be further from the truth. Bone is active tissue which is constantly being broken down and renewed. It contains living cells and a network of blood vessels and nerves which require a good supply of nutrients.
Weakened bones are now not considered an inevitable part of ageing. This view has changed dramatically with an increasing amount of research showing that you can maintain excellent bone health into old age, with good nutrition and lifestyle habits. It is never too early or too late to look after your bones. The time to start is now!
Calcium is only a part of the story
Most people know that they need calcium to build strong bones. However, calcium supplementation on its own has been proven to be of limited benefit and in some cases, even harmful. It is vital to ensure your intake of these top 4 bone nutrients in addition to calcium.
Magnesium has a known role in bone building. Without adequate calcium, magnesium will not be metabolised. Magnesium is far more likely to be deficient in the modern day diet than calcium as it is not found in high amounts in dairy foods which make up a large part of the average Western diet. Instead it is foods that may be less commonly eaten such as green vegetables, wholegrains and nuts that are magnesium sources. Food processing causes huge magnesium losses. 80 percent of women currently consume less than the recommended daily amount of magnesium. Magnesium is often found in supplements as carbonate, or oxide, chloride or sulphate which are believed to have lower absorption rates. Look for better absorbed forms such as magnesium citrate, malate or glycinate.
Vitamin D reduces bone loss and fracture incidence. Vitamin D deficiency amongst the general population is now known to be a major modern day health concern. Vitamin D3 is the most useable form and can be made in the skin when exposed to UVB rays in sunlight but increased use of SPF creams mean this is less likely to happen. Exposure to the sun on bare skin for 20 minutes in the middle of the day will make around 400iu vitamin D. In the winter in the UK this will be difficult!
The best food source of D3 is oily fish such as Mackerel, herring, salmon (one portion of each contains around 350iu vitamin D). Cod liver oil is the richest source. Cottage cheese and eggs contain a smaller amount. 7 eggs per week will provide 140iu vitamin D. Since around 1000iu of vitamin D per day is needed, a supplement will often be required to keep levels topped up.
Boron has only relatively recently been found to be a necessary nutrient mineral and it plays an important role in preventing bone loss. It is needed for converting vitamin D to its active form and has a vital effect on the metabolism of calcium and magnesium. Food sources of boron are fruit, leafy vegetables, nuts and legumes. The average diet however, is unlikely to supply the amount needed for bone strengthening which is 3mg daily.
Vitamin K has a very important role in bone formation and like boron, is only recently researched in this respect. It is needed to make a protein in bone called osteocalcin, which hardens calcium and strengthens bone.
Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) is the most abundant form of vitamin K in western diets, found in foods such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, olive oil, cheese and soya beans. However, it is vitamin K2 (menaquinone) which is associated with bone health. K2 is much less common in the Western diet because the principal source is fermented soya beans, which are more widely found in Eastern foods.
For optimal bone health most people will need to supplement. Vitamin K is very safe but due to its effect on blood clotting, people taking blood thinning drugs such as warfarin should not take it except with the advice of a qualified health practitioner.
Penny Crowther, nutritional therapist.
Personalised nutrition consultations in person in Bournemouth & London or by Skype, for health and wellbeing, IBS, energy, mood, fertility.

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Author : Massin

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