The Real Reason You Gained Weight

Are you unhappy about your weight? Have you been on a diet, and regained the weight? It sounds like you assume that another diet plan will work better. Trying to solve a problem with the wrong solution won't work, no matter how much discipline and will power you have! Dieting doesn't work because it doesn't address the reason you gained weight in the first place!
I have a question for you. When did you first gain the weight that is bothering you?
Maybe you are looking at the wrong solution for your weight issue. Most people had a change in their life that precipitated their weight gain. Some stressful event: loss of income or a job, divorce, someone got sick, etc. When you are stressed, you KNOW it!
That stress can be the reason that you started gaining weight in the first place. And it works in a few ways:
  1. You started eating to soothe your stressed feelings
  2. You were thinking about your problems, and not focused upon the amount of food you were eating
  3. Stress slowed down your metabolism!
Many people are so willing to blame themselves for their weight gain. They say they ate too much, they stopped exercising, or some other reason. But if you had no weight issue, and then all of a sudden you're noticing your are developing belly fat, or your clothes are getting tight, it's time to look INWARD instead of at the outside of your body.
When you have no weight problems, you don't fixate on food; you don't over-eat. AND you eat whatever you want to eat. But, you stop when you're full, and you eat because you're hungry!
Think about how miserable it feels to "have to eat" when you are full, and trying trying to please the cook, who says, "oh, please have some more". Your body has a great mechanism to tell you when you've had enough food: your stomach tells you that you are full. But when you are not paying attention, perhaps because you are multi-tasking, overly busy trying to accomplish too many "tasks" at the same time; thinking about your troubles; it all adds up to not paying attention to your cues from your body. You must be more mindful of what you are eating! You eat more than you think!
The wonderful thing is, you can actually use eating as a relief for stress! No, you don't just shove comfort food down your gullet; you use time to eat for calm, focused, enjoyable eating of foods you love. Spend time with the food, eating it and feeling gratitude. Set the table, put on light enjoyable music, chew slowly, engage all of your senses to NURTURE yourself. Watch the stress slip away, and your body lose its tension. You have at least three opportunities a day (when you are sitting down to a meal) to do this stress relief.
But remember, you can't eat stress free while your standing at a counter, driving the car, "I m'ing" your friends. Nourish yourself with food; and watch your weight go back to a more comfortable place: all without dieting!
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Best selling author, and Coach-sultant, Lianda Ludwig, M.S. works with overwhelmed, stressed out, frustrated dieters who have lost weight and regained it time and again. Discover how to break the addiction to dieting and fighting your body and nature! Losing weight is not just about what you eat; it's about what's eating you.
Learn about the Mentabolism Mindset Transformation Program < > that creates a successful mindset to eliminate cravings, binging, starving yourself and vanquish the stress, so you can lose weight, and keep it off without naturally, without ever dieting again.
Get her free report: 5 Dirty Secrets the Diet Industry Doesn't Want You To Know at

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Author : Massin

Just a simple men trying to make his place in the IM world. i'm a athlete, and i love FITNESS... i made this blog to share with you what's working for me.


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