The Problem With Super Foods

We probably already know all about the benefits of super foods and why foods with this designation are perfect for our daily diets. But despite this great knowledge many people do not include these foods in their diets. What exactly are the reasons for this seeming ignorant behavior? In the following discussion I review possible reasons why so many of us fail to take advantage of the benefits of these foods.
Super foods include products such as whole grain (e.g. bread, oats), fresh dairy products such as fat/sugar free yogurt, 2% milk; nuts (almonds, peanuts, etc); fish (tuna, salmon, mackerel); vegetables especially dark green leafy vegetables.
These foods are referred to as super foods because they are rich in the nutrients the body needs and are particularly high in antioxidants the body's natural defense against many common diseases like the flu, diabetes and hypertension.
Let's look at some of the reasons why we do not eat more of these foods:
  1. Knowledge: Well despite the fact that I believe that knowledge of these foods is widespread there is still a sizable number of persons who simply do not know about super foods or their benefits.
  2. Availability: In many cases these foods are just not available either as items on the menu of your favorite restaurant or for purchase in your local supermarket. Although I must admit it is becoming to a bit easier to get a tuna sandwich or something from a salad bar.
  3. Taste: Over many years our taste buds have been accustomed to certain taste and as a consequence foods that don't stimulate those particular taste sensations are not regards as pleasing. Many of the super foods do not set off our conventional taste sensations and as a result we do not find them as pleasing taste-wise as the foods we have been accustomed to over the years.
  4. Cost: These foods are usually on the costly end of food options. Therefore the majority of them may shun them for this reason and choose the less expensive options which are typically not as nutritious.
  5. Dietary Supplements: Many people are simply satisfied with supplementing their diets with OTC supplements. At the end of the day this may be just as expensive as purchasing the super foods in the first place but this choice is left up to you.
Including super foods as an integral part of our daily diet can help to prevent and ameliorate many common illnesses such as hypertension but a large number of persons chose, for one reason or another, not to include them in their diets. It is hoped that greater knowledge of super foods will cause a greater number of persons to take advantage of the advantages associated with super foods.
This article is part of a series of articles on various health related conditions including diabetes, high blood pressure and weight management. If you wish to read more please visit my blog or for natural remedies to manage these common health conditions please visit

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Author : Massin

Just a simple men trying to make his place in the IM world. i'm a athlete, and i love FITNESS... i made this blog to share with you what's working for me.


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