People that have been told that they need to go on a gluten free diet, immediately believe they're going to have to give up their favorite kinds of foods. In the past, when gluten free was not as prevalent as it is today, there was something to be said for that. This is the stigma that is associated with going on this diet and it can prevent people from actually living a gluten free lifestyle when in fact, they should due to medical conditions.
But there has been a lot of headway into this arena. More and more restaurants, food stores including supermarkets, etc., are offering alternatives. As more continue to jump on board, the stigma should get hopefully reduced.
Another drawback that continues to add to the stigma is the cost of the diet. It has been known to be generally prohibited in this department. Gluten free alternatives tend to be at least twice as much in cost and sometimes even more. But this too is changing and people are finding ways to save money while being on this diet.
I know of several people that have decided to go on this diet and they will never look back. Most of them admit that there is more information and choices available today than there was when they first started the diet. But they all seem to agree that things are changing for the better. If you have been told to go on a gluten free diet then you should take comfort about this.
More websites about this way of living are popping up every week. Although it's far from saturated, it is growing quite rapidly which is kind a double edged sword. It's good that these resources are availing themselves but care now needs to be taken as there will be people creating sites based on a gluten free diet just because the trend is growing. They don't necessarily know much about the diet and this should be checked out to make sure you don't follow false information. This is a natural by product of growing markets.
The bottom line is this is an ever-evolving market and it may take a bit of patience to overcome the stigma associated with this diet but it is pretty clear this trend will continue which will serve to bring the prices down and make food much more accessible for any one on the diet.
Discover how you can overcome the stigma of living a gluten free lifestyle by clicking on this link. I share with you various resources to help you on your way to better living.
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