About 50,000 years ago, homo sapiens entered into level 17 on the human evolutionary scale. Our genetic code was set during that time period and has not changed much since then.
Movement was a way of life for our paleolithic ancestors. They would travel 10 to 15 kilometers each day to hunt game, gather food, and collect wood. That was only half of it because they still had to carry their goods back to camp. Yes, pick it up and haul it in their arms, over their shoulders, and across their backs while trudging up, down, and over rugged terrain.
Consequently, the genes of our Stone Age predecessors produced humans who were massive and strong in their upper and lower bodies. Their DNA had evolved in an environment in which motion and exertion were the norm. Their genes would constantly look for and respond to daily movement in a positive way to help maintain their bodies.
And this genetic need for movement has remained the same, all the way up to the present time. The humans of today are quite similar to our paleolithic ancestors when it comes to motion. Movement was a requirement back then and is still mandatory today. A must that is, if you want to preserve your frame and function with age.
Since the human body was designed to live to 120 years, if you begin to show signs of degeneration in your 40s, 50s, and 60s, it means you are doing something wrong, and/or not doing what is right for your design. With the proper amount of consistent motion one can maintain his or her muscular-skeletal and cardiopulmonary systems up to 100 years and beyond without any loss of function.
The wise person recognizes that he or she needs to live within the constraints set by our genetic code. When you sit, hour-after-hour, day-after-day, you have crossed the threshold of your genetic limits. Your DNA responds to this lack of movement in a negative way and your form, function, and fitness are adversely affected. You begin to break down at the cellular level.
In light of the above, the Preventative Health Center has designed a new program entitled the Paleolithic Movement Program. This is a one-on-one program that focuses initially on stability, mobility, and movement training and progresses to outdoor activities that emulate the movement patterns of our ancient ancestors.
Plato sums it up best when he states, "Lack of activity destroys the good conditions of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it." If you follow Plato's advice, you can be hiking, dancing, gardening, and berry picking with a smile on your face at 100 years of age and beyond, with the same energy and efficiency you had in your 20's and 30's.
If so, you have learned to live within your genetic limits where movement and function are intertwined!
Jim combined his former science background and writing skills with his recent holistic nutrition and personal trainer abilities in the design and development of a number of comprehensive, preventative health and fitness programs for adults aged 25 to 65. One of the programs is entitled the Paleolithic Movement Program.
In addition, he recently setup the site Health-Tips-for-an-Ageless-Body.com, which provides over 500 tips related to exercise and nutrition for adults who are interested in disease prevention. He firmly believes that an ageless body is our birthright.
Jim can be reached at:
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_Safianuk
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