It's definitely not easy being a stay at home despite what many think. Between caring for your children around the clock and caring for the house; there leaves hardly any time for "me" time. How can mothers even find the time to look and feel sexy again when there is no more time in the day to workout?
This was once my largest obstacle. At 70 pounds over weight, 3 young kids terrorizing each other and messing up each room that I just finished cleaning, I was exhausted to do any more. I was stressed with my husband being gone at work and school and no one to help me. I lived in sweatpants since my jeans dug into my donut that was wrapped around my waist at every move that I made. I hated to do my hair and would toss it into a messy ponytail figuring why did it matter? I didn't feel attractive and it only made me bitter because all I wanted to do was get a good work out in so I could lose the unattractive jiggles and look like a mom and wife who had it all together.
Going to the gym was just not an option. First of all, I couldn't afford a membership and the gyms around town didn't offer any sort of babysitting services. I tried everything from squats in the house (I honestly made it a priority as I was cleaning) to jump roping with my kids. By the time the night came, I was too tired and found every sweet treat in the house to indulge in.
I finally got sick and tired of eating as my stomach would literally flop to the other side as I had no muscle tone after my pregnancies and fat. I started slowly doing some research as to how I could work out at home, with the kids, but it be a good enough workout that I could see some results.
We had ordered P90X after watching an infomercial which had a nutrition guide that made things so much easier since everything was right there in front of me and I didn't have to "think" amongst the screaming of the kids. I figured I could put an hour a day aside and have the kids come into the family room with me to workout. I even bought them small weights so they could really be apart of the routine. I had them help me in the kitchen as we tried different recipes and they helped me prepare and portion the meals for the week.
The days seemed to fly by - they tend to do so any way when you're a frazzled stay at home mommy, but this time it was different. There was less screaming and fighting, less mess, and less weight that I was carrying on me. By incorporating my kids into my routine, they were happy to be apart of it and I was a happier less stressful mom. Our relationships grew stronger and they found a new hobby of cooking and working out; even my 2 year old!
When you have a clear mind, take a moment and think about how your day typically goes. Where can you squeeze in a workout? Next, what type of goals are you trying to accomplish? There are many at home workouts that you can do and incorporate your kids in your routine with you. If you are struggling with what to do, please contact me and I can get you into one of my challenge or support groups.
I'm here to help. You simply need to reach out. Contact me at and let's start to make positive changes in your life.
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