Fear Of The Gym

Some people have complete fear of the gym. There ready to start going, they're standing outside the gym now. Then they turn around and get back into their car and leave. Fear of the hard bodies, or the locker room, machines, looking inexperienced. The fear of being that fat person at the gym everyone is going to be making fun of or looking at.
Well the truth is, no one is going to be making fun of you, or even laughing at you. You have to realize they are more than likely proud of you for taking that step to better your health. That is even if they notice you at all. Everyone is there for their own reasons. What is yours? You might know it, or you might not know it. But, you're never going to find out unless you at least get through that door.
Things you can do or know to get over your fear of the gym:
• Ask yourself, Why you want to go to the gym? - This answer must be for you and you only, there is an underline reason you want to go to the gym. Is it to lose weight? Is it to tone up? Is it for something to do? Is it just to be healthier? All good reason to go to the gym and get you through the front door.
• Now that you're through the front door- Take a deep breath and look what's all around you. You will probably see people of all shapes and sizes. You may get intimidated by the first very fit person your eyes meet. But, do they notice you? Probably not, they are there for them, not you. And that's what you have to remember. This is your commitment not there's.
• Look at all these machines- As you see all the machines around you that may make you scared of even coming into the gym. But, what you may not know is the machines all have directions pretty much on them. On top of that when you sign up with the gym you can get a tour and have things demonstrated for you. Or, most gyms give you a free personal training assessment. Take advantage of these opportunities. They will help.
• Looking inexperienced- Looking inexperienced amongst these hard bodies is most likely going to intimidate you too? But, little do you know people at the gym are very kind and more than welcomed to help. As long as you're not digging too deep into their workout. Or just try something. If you're doing something completely wrong someone will be sure to tell you. And there is always staff around you can just grab one of them and ask them real quick.
• Don't jump all in at once- If you're not comfortable at the gym, maybe you shouldn't jump all in at once. Go take a walk on the treadmill, or ride a bike, and watch people. The more you'll watch people workout, the more you will learn. And, take a class or two and make a friend or more. Then you can see if they will be interested in working out with you.
Those are most people's fears of the gym. Take it from me The Fit or Fat Chick, there is no better person to be in the gym besides you, and only go for you. Your health is important, and should be most important to you. So take your first step into the gym. And have fun. It's up to you to be Fit or Fat .

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Author : Massin

Just a simple men trying to make his place in the IM world. i'm a athlete, and i love FITNESS... i made this blog to share with you what's working for me.


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