Belly Fat Is a Warning Sign of STRESS - Are You Paying Attention Before It Gets Too Late?

If the Check Engine light were on in your car, would you go to a mechanic to remove the light? That's what going on a diet is doing in your body. Belly fat, and gaining weight are actually symptoms, and not causes! You are ignoring the underlying reasons for your weight gain. The causes for over-eating are generally Stress, Stress or Stress! And the causes for your depressed metabolism that makes it hard to lose weight, and nearly impossible to keep it off are Stress, Stress and Stress.
Stress, for the rest of the animal kingdom is created by the need for Fight or Flight. Animals are threatened, and need to escape a predator, or they are lunch. Then their stress is gone immediately. Their reaction to stress gave them the ability to get away by slowing or stopping all "unimportant" bodily functions, and shifting energy to the muscles for battle or escape.
Humans rarely have predators that are threatening them, but they have chronic stress: traffic stress, paying the bills stress, too busy stress, taking care of others stress, clothes getting tight stress, and on and on. Or they'll have serial stress: one negative thing after another, like death from a thousand paper cuts.
Either way, your body's continued reaction to stress is not helping you survive like it does in the animal kingdom. It is making your sick by thinning your bones & muscles, slowing digestion and your metabolism, making it harder for you to avoid illness, impairing your ability to think clearly and make good decisions, and so much more.
How can you turn off the stress reaction in your body? Only by turning off your perception and attitude that allows something to stress you. Yes, you choose what you allow to bothers you.
When stress is prolonged and not a short term reaction as in humans, the reaction to the stress in your body is worse than the original stressor!
One of the ways that people mistakenly deal with stress is by using food as a drug to relieve stress. It's not even the type of food you eat that matters, but the act of feeding yourself to fill and emptiness inside you. This type of overeating causes people to gain weight.
People don't over-eat because they are hungry. There is an emotional reason that is causing them to seek "comfort food" as the drug of choice to deal with stress. The result of emotional eating during a stressful time is compounded when the effects of stress slow down your metabolism, and it causes weight gain.
Your body's "Check Engine" light is warning you that if you start putting on some pounds in the way of belly fat, or find yourself eating when you're not hungry, you need to investigate why this is happening. Pay mindful attention to check your stress levels. What is making you feel stressed out? Find a way to relieve the stress that addresses the real issue.
When you manage stress, and the light will go off, and the pounds will go down naturally. But if you are covering up your warning light with a band-aid, you'll be buying larger sized clothes, and that will the beginning of other physical, and emotional problems.
So pay attention: Be mindful, and take care of your stress before your "engine" fails!
Best selling author and Coach-sultant, Lianda Ludwig, M.S. works with overwhelmed, frustrated dieters who have been burned out by repeatedly losing weight only to gain it back time after time. For most dieters, she reports, stress has precipitated weight gain and must be addressed before permanent weight loss it possible. Losing weight is not just about what you eat; it's about what's eating you - and that can even be hidden in your subconscious mind!
Learn about the Mentabolism Mindset Transformation Program that creates a successful mindset to eliminate cravings, binging, starving yourself and vanquish the stress, so you can lose weight, and keep it off without naturally, without ever dieting again.
Get her free report: 5 Dirty Secrets the Diet Industry Doesn't Want You To Know at

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Author : Massin

Just a simple men trying to make his place in the IM world. i'm a athlete, and i love FITNESS... i made this blog to share with you what's working for me.


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