Beginner - Easy Steps To Better Runs

If you want to improve your running pace, you need to with a focus, a target that is broken down to days, weeks, months.
We all need a little help with our focus. I know you will hit some sticky points when it comes to going after a goal. You want to make progress to stay motivated and to stay on track. You don't want to aim to low that it's too easy or too high that it stresses you out.
Make goals in small, incremental goals. Have you heard of a micro goal? It's one way to set yourself up. It's when you set daily, weekly, monthly while you enjoy you accomplishment to the very next step. Sub- Prepare Your Gear. To get out to run with little setbacks. Prepare your gear, shoes clothes etc. Have a route in mind. Figure and set to a time of day you plan to run no matter what.
Enjoy the scenery the last 5-15 minutes of your run. Pick a route where you can enjoy something about it. It could be a nice residential area or a scenic path, a beautiful garden.
Get a minimum of 3 days a week. Try to get in a least 3 days a week maintain of running. This is the bare minimum to improve your fitness. Don't worry about the time as long as it's a minimum of 30 minutes.
Have no wrist watch on one day and wear one on others. Choose a day to relax without a watch to be a pleasant but the days you do wear it, try to add a minute or two to increase your endurance. Plan to run hills to add challenge and build strength.
Plan to extend your run time from month to month not week to week. It's empowering to know you can push yourself - like when you can make it up a 6 mile trail run plus more when before you couldn't.
Plan for a race that's got good vibes and you feel fun. There's an Electric run in my area where you do it wearing flashy lights and neon items. This gets you going on low motivational day plus you get to meet new friends.
Don't go to be fastest person. Go for the enjoyment, peace and fun. Helps you stay on track and build a routine. Find a running buddy to help you stay on track.
I hope these tips can help you build your endurance and improve your running pleasure.
Adriel Yapana is a Glendale, CA Personal Trainer, Author, Speaker and Consultant. He loves helping others. To get FREE strategies and receive my fast fat loss ebook and weekly newsletter, please visit his website at

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Author : Massin

Just a simple men trying to make his place in the IM world. i'm a athlete, and i love FITNESS... i made this blog to share with you what's working for me.


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