Inflammation is the process by which the body tries to remove irritants, pathogens, and damaged cells from the body and begin the process of healing. It is an attempt at self-preservation. Inflammation is different from infection in that the latter is an attack on the body by fungus, bacteria, or virus while the former is the body's attempt to protect itself from this attack. Inflammation is usually a positive response. It becomes negative only when it perpetuates itself and causes diseases like stroke and heart attacks. You have to think about fighting inflammation when you get all or a combination of cardinal signs like redness, tumor or swelling or heat, dolor or pain, and often loss of function.
Relationship Between Inflammation And Exercise
Health professionals suggest various ways of fighting inflammation. The relationship between inflammation and exercise is well-known. Exercise can reduce inflammation as well as increase it. CRP or C-reactive protein in the blood increases according to the level of inflammation. Various clinical studies have proven the reduction of CRP with regular exercise. Acute exercise on the other hand increases the levels of CRP. A good training session makes your body stronger by its inflammatory response to the stress of working out. This process helps the body to refortify its tissues and rebuild itself to meet future demands. This automatically increases your work capacity, strength, and stamina.
Omega-3 For A Healthier You
Clinical studies have proved the efficacy of Omega-3 fatty acids in helping the body fight inflammation and auto-immune diseases. Since the body cannot make its own fatty acids, it has to be taken through the ingestion of food like tuna, salmon, some types of plants as well as nut oils. Omega-3 helps improve function and aids in the normal development and growth of a person. Fatty fishes are recommended by health professionals at least twice a week. The resolving contained in Omega-3 help the body to fight the negative inflammatory response that is seen in debilitating diseases like psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and ulcerative colitis.
Optimum Dosage Of Omega-3
With so much importance being paid to the importance of Omega-3 in your diet, a frequently asked question is how much of Omega-3 per day should be taken. This differs from age to age. Breast milk is a rich source of Omega-3 for infants. Omega-3 fortified infant formula is also available in most food stores. For children and adults, it changes according to age groups, gender, and health status but generally a person needs at least 1000 mg of Omega-3 a day. Since the regular fish oils found in drug stores contain only about 30% of Omega-3, an individual will have to take as much as 3 tablets a day to get the requisite amount into your body.
Astin Hoper, The author of this article is providing the information about the health benefits of omega 3 and fighting inflammation. For more information visit the website ORIGINALNUTRITIONALS.COM.
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