Ageless, Really?

In keeping with the wonderments of scientific advancement, I'd like to share some tidbits from the biological front. Namely: What incapacitates the human body over time? I realize that most folks have, at one time or other, encountered the glitz of fantastical claims for this or that supplement intended to vitalize and rejuvenate.
I am, and have always been, highly skeptical of such anecdotal evidence to say the least. Thus such marketing ploys for the latest fad du jour with the host of attendant celebrity endorsements leaves a generally poor aftertaste. It is for this reason that, after some careful study of the actual experimental research having been conducted over the last decade or so, I can offer these few insights.
First the situation: We are highly complex organisms dependent on a variety of genetic and environmental conditions to flourish. What then causes our organism to cease to repair itself over time? Is it the complexity itself? Is there a built in self-destruct system in place? Actually... yes and no.
For the basics of non-longevity, just look around you. Poor nutrition, lack of meaningful exercise, polluted water and air, radiation damage (from our nearest star), and of course sheer ignorance, all play a role in the doom that is our brief life span, often with an associated mental senescence to add insult to injury. However that isn't a result of our complexity per se, nor is there a "master-planned" anticipated obsolescence. Yet, our bodies do give out sooner rather than later; no question. In counterpoint, there are the animal kingdom exceptions: Lonesome George (a Galapagos Tortoise, recently deceased at age 100) Adwaita (Aldabra Giant Tortoise, d. 2006 aged 255 yrs.) and there are the documented "ancient" rockfish and lobsters with extreme longevity, the bristlecone pines et al. What gives?
Enter the scientists: (here are just a notable few of the many)
Dr. Kenyon's C. Elegans studies provided bountiful evidence that short life spans can indeed be manipulated and greatly enhanced--with attendant extended youthful life---not just dragging on to extreme age in an semi-senescent state. Her team's focus led them to uncover the DAF-16 gene's influence in the little round worms---and the analogous human version: the Forkhead Box Gene family (FOX0). The FOX0 group, FOX03 in particular, is responsible for the maintenance of our cellular health; managing cellular processes as a building super manages an apartment building, by making sure that repairs are made, proper resources are available and allocated, etc. She has since created Elixir Pharmaceuticals to develop a pill, a supplement that will do for people what the "special nutrient diet" given the C. Elegans did for the roundworm's youthful life extension.
Dr. Sinclair's studies on the sirtuin class of proteins, specifically SIRT1 which regulates cellular health through the manipulation of metabolism and the reduction of damaging inflammation, found proven life extension with long-lasting youthful activity and acuity. It is experimentally shown that the compound resveratrol activates the SIRT1 proteins, so in keeping with the pattern he and an associate created Sirtris, which was subsequently purchased by GlaxoSmithKline, to develop a refined version of resveratrol that can do for people what it does for lesser mammals. SIDENOTE: Progeria research teams in China discovered why resveratrol was so effective in activating the SIRT1 proteins: the LMNA gene expression through lamin A readily binds to the SIRT1 and its that mechanism that resveratrol catalyzes.
Drs. Huard and DePinho's direct experimental manipulation of stem cells and genetic telomeres, respectively, has led to reversing extreme senescence in mice---actually turning the equivalent of 80 or 90 year old mice (in human years) into far younger than middle-aged mice able to reproduce as they had in their youth. Huard utilized muscle stem cells from young mice injected into elderly mice; DePinho lengthened the telomeres of in mice DNA to reverse the aging and rejuvenate those cute little ancient rodents.
Is the pattern emerging in your mind yet?
The question we should be asking isn't: "Why do we grow old and incapacitated?" It's "Why aren't we staying youthful into a vastly extended lifespan!?" Our genetic makeup and physiological processes aren't conspiring against us. There is no absolutely scheduled obsolescence. It's a quirk of our epigenetic inheritance. Seriously. Why else would we have communities, world-wide, of centenarians? People who through the good fortune of their arising and environment, inheritance and nutrition, live to well over a hundred years old---with excellent minds and active bodies!
What to do about it? Good nutrition in a reduced overall intake. Do consume foods that include the natural compounds discovered to be catalysts of our own genetic resurrection: foods rich in resveratrol, anti-oxidants like oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol, solid foundations of vitamins D, B complex, etc. Basically: olive oil rather than butter, fresh vegetables, green salads and less fruits, more nuts and berries, fresh fish and less red meat, enjoy wine or beer and naturally as much fresh air and as often as possible. Avoid: prolonged stress, inflammation and over-eating as much as possible---In short: the Good Life!

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Author : Massin

Just a simple men trying to make his place in the IM world. i'm a athlete, and i love FITNESS... i made this blog to share with you what's working for me.


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