Did you know that up to 60% of the human body is made up of water? Your skin is around 64% water, your brain and heart are about 73% water, your lungs are around 83% water, and even your bones are made up of about 31% water. Pretty incredible huh?
All of us know that water is good for our body, but may not know exactly why. Detailed below are 11 reasons why you need to stop neglecting water and form it into a habit.
Water will help you lose weight
Many times our body feels hungry when it is actually thirsty. One tip that can really help you lose weight is this:
Drink two glasses of water before each time you eat. This will help you discern whether or not you were actually hungry and it can benefit your digestion system. If you are actually hungry, it can even help suppress your hunger!
Another way water can help you lose weight is when you drink it instead of high-calorie drinks such as soda and juices. Water obviously has zero calories. Compared to the hundreds of calories in soft drinks, drinking water instead can make a world of difference.
It is also said that water can increase our metabolic rate which will help us burn more calories.
Keeps a healthy heart
Water helps the blood circulation of the body and therefore is said to lower the risk of hearts attacks.
More energy
Many people are dehydrated and don't even know it. Once you are dehydrated, your energy gets zapped and makes you feel tired. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, dizziness, muscle weakness, besides various other problems. The brain is said to be made up of around 73% water. This could be why drinking water helps to think, focus as well as concentrate better.
Cure your headache
Head aches can often be a result of dehydration. Therefore, drinking enough water could present and help cure your head aches.
Healthy and shining skin
Drinking water will help in getting clear skin. Removing toxins from your body and hydrating your skin (being about 64% water) will definitely benefit your skin condition.
Improving digestion
Your digestive system needs water to digest food. This is why water can help cure various stomach acid problems. Consuming water and fiber can help cure constipation.
Cleansing of the body
There is no doubt that water is a basic requirement by the body in order to flush out toxins as well as other waste from body. This is done through sweat and your digestive system. Also, it can reduce kidney stone risks and urinary tract infection.
Exercise effectiveness
Dehydration can hamper your athletic activities severely. It can slow you down and make it more difficult to lift weights. Not being properly hydrated could also be dangerous to your health.
Boosts your immune system
Water helps produce lymph which carries you blood white blood cells around your body to fight disease.
Preventing of cramps and sprains
Once your body is properly hydrated, your joints can be more lubricated during workouts.
Drinking enough water is so critical to the health of every person. If you are looking for healthy ways to lose weight, drinking more water is an option to consider. It is recommended to drink between 60 and 70 ounces of water every day. The results will be worth it! Keeping water bottles around you at work during the day is a great way to up your water intake. Hope this info was beneficial to you!
For more valuable health information, visit http://www.LoseweightandBehealthy.net where you can be encouraged, educated, and equipped to live a healthy lifestyle.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Casey_Stubbs
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