Should You Join an Expensive Health Club?

Joining an expensive health club is one of those things that might seem like a great idea at the time, but that many people will often end up not using. Health clubs are essentially 'premium gyms' that include a range of spa like elements including saunas, hot tubs, pools and steam rooms, that give you access to lots of classes and clubs, and that have more extensive and unusual equipment than you might normally find.
Of course though these extra features and benefits come at a price and that means you need to think hard about whether you really need those things.
Because in reality we all know that you don't need those things at all. In fact a very basic gym that only supplied some CV machines, a bench press and a few dumbbells and benches would be enough for even the most hardened athlete or bodybuilder to get a full workout. This would allow you to do all the basic exercises without distractions and would likely not cost you much at all.
And in fact if you want to go even further then you could point out that you can do an entire workout right at home by investing in some of your equipment. This would then cost you nothing at all and you would be able to train much quicker by not even going to the gym.
And if you want to go further still then you could point out that most parts of the body can be trained with bodyweight exercises and that you can do CV by simply jogging on the spot/skipping in the garden. The only thing you really need is a dumbbells so that you can train your biceps and traps.
Then again though, for some people who can afford it those extra features might be useful. Having access to more equipment is always a good thing because it means you'll be able to keep your workouts fresh and you'll grow/lose weight faster as a result. At the same time, if you are someone who is likely to use things like a sauna or a hot tub and enjoy them, then you may find this is enough incentive to get you to the gym and to encourage you to workout when you might not otherwise.
The point is that if you have the money, then joining a health club might be a nice extra, but only if you are still going to use the main facilities and not get distracted by the bonuses.
More importantly though this decision should come down to other factors that affect how useful a gym is much moreso. An example of this is the proximity - is the gym just down the road or hours away? Likewise you need to think about how crowded the gym is - if you are constantly going to be waiting to use the equipment you need then this isn't a great idea.
In conclusion then, when money isn't a factor it really doesn't matter whether you join a gym or health club - just join the nearest one.
Using equipment at home has many benefits and especially when you do this in conjunction with a gym membership. Visit Gym Direct for crossfit equipment and more.

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Author : Massin

Just a simple men trying to make his place in the IM world. i'm a athlete, and i love FITNESS... i made this blog to share with you what's working for me.


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