I've Got MY Whole Life Riding on This "Paleo Diet"

I was amazed at what I found when I read a recent scientific study. The very "Target" of study was the Paleo Diet. The results entail a barrage of Health benefits. Many benefits are of a growing need. Health Benefits such as, improved blood pressure, (which applied to me) at one time I was 190/100, SCARY! Combine that with a Cholesterol Score around 175. My Life hung in a very unpredictable balance.
Needless to say I have family who could gain from a healthy drop in natural insulin secretion, as well as an increase of insulin sensitivity.
And who doesn't want to lower body fat and have Clearer Skin?
So the question becomes, "How can the Paleo Diet directly benefit me"? Aside from eating whole foods high in fiber, low in salt what else is in it for me?
This is a look through the lens from the outside in to understand the mechanics of eating paleo, from a consumer point of view.
Suddenly the answer hit me like a sack of jackfruit. "Maybe I've found the solvent to my own personal Hypertension, and Cholesterol concerns". Have I hit the bulls-eye, or am I missing something?
I am not an expert Paleo Dietician. I am a social media user whom respects Paleo Practices. So what we have here is the sum of what my growing resources and studies are allowing me to display for you at this time. My goal is to help curious onlookers to get valid information from the right places.
Being an avid cyclist, I need lean proteins, natural sugars, fats starches and carbs in a certain Ratio. And the organic nature of hunter diet gatherer makes this nutrition so essential to my metabolism. Matter of fact, I find myself with leftover energy after I have tacked on the miles.
I am now in the habit of eating many small meals a say. So I hover around a diet of Tuna, Salmon, Halibut, Trout, Swordfish. Antibiotic free lean Steaks, Free Range Chicken, Lamb, Turkey and Eggs.
Through small changes in my eating habits suggested in the Paleo Cookbooks. I've been able to carve up some Body fat. Regulate my cholesterol. And Most importantly that Blood pressure number is now looking "Real" good due to some well made decisions.
So I know this could be the answer to a prayer for someone who was on the same road as I.
Find out more about Paleo Diet through Brandon K Clark @ http://www.getpaleobooks.com

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Author : Massin

Just a simple men trying to make his place in the IM world. i'm a athlete, and i love FITNESS... i made this blog to share with you what's working for me.


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